multiplanar training

What Multiplanar Training Exercises & Movements?

At TRX Training, we consistently emphasize the significance of integrating functional exercise and mobility training into your strength training regimen because they prepare your body for the movements required in your everyday tasks.
fitness routine exercises

8 Ways a Fitness Routine Could Help Your Anxiety

Undoubtedly, the year 2020 has presented immense challenges worldwide, marked by the uncertainty, loss, and constant upheaval caused by the coronavirus. As a direct consequence of COVID-19, the Mental Health Association has reported a "staggering" increase in cases of anxiety and depression.
unique exercises with ybell

3 Unique Exercises You Can Only Perform With YBells

Maybe you've had a chance to try out YBells at a recent conference, and now you're considering bringing it to your club or studio. Or perhaps you've yet to sample a workout with a YBell, but it sparks your interest because you want to add more functional trainer exercises and strength training into your club's programming.
trx gym studio

7 Strategies for Increasing Gym Membership Sales

When the challenge of attracting new members persists, your health club or studio may start to resemble a ghost town rather than a bustling hub for fitness enthusiasts.

How to Train for The Murph Challenge: A 4-Week Training Program

Each year around the end of May, you're probably used to seeing your social media blow up with pictures and comments about a workout called "The Murph." You've probably wondered to yourself, "What is The Murph Challenge, and why is it so popular?"

10 Tips for Managing Stress in Difficult Seasons

If there was ever a question about whether a universal difficult season existed, 2020 has proven that it does. Given the significant challenges of COVID-19 and the fallout that seems to have affected virtually everything in our lives, it’s no wonder that many of us are stretched thin, and consistently stressed.
childs pose for posture

Stretches and Simple Exercises to Improve Posture

The alignment of our body when standing, sitting, or lying down is known as posture, and it has a significant impact not only on our appearance but also on our overall health. Proper alignment reduces stress on muscles, tendons, and ligaments, enhances the efficiency of the nervous system, and lowers the risk of conditions such as overuse injuries and arthritis.

Stress: The Good and the Bad

As the temperatures drop, it’s starting to feel like the holiday season is on its way. For many, the holidays are the most stressful time of year.
woman running down a road

Should Runners Lift Weights? 4 Ways Strength Training Improves Your Running Ability

New runners often believe that jogging and running are the only workouts they need to improve at their sport. But that’s like saying a football player only needs to practice kicking a ball